Program mission:
Preparation of a distinguished graduated, capable of analysis, creativity, and innovation to keep up with evaluation of the latest technological fields in order to satisfy local and regional demands and active participation in the community and environment development.
Program objectives:
1.Updating the mechanical engineering program in light of national standards to keep pace with the requirements of the labor market.
2.Using modern and diverse technological methods in teaching and learning methods.
3.Providing all forms of support to faculty members, employees and students.
4.Sustainable development of skills of faculty members and workers in the mechanical engineering program.
5.Linking student projects and applied scientific research to the needs of the labor market.
6.Providing consultations and training courses for community service and environmental development.
Graduate Attributes:
1.Master a wide spectrum of engineering knowledge and specialized skills and can apply acquired knowledge using theories, applicability of computer- aided tools and software contemporary to the mechanical engineering design, and abstract thinking in real life situations.
2.Apply analytic critical and systemic thinking to identify, diagnose and solve engineering problems with a wide range of complexity and variation and Draw upon a basic knowledge of mechanical process industries.
3.Recognize the challenging role and responsibilities of the professional mechanical engineer, while abiding by the ethics of the profession and standards.
4.Work in and lead a heterogeneous team of professionals from different mechanical engineering specialties and assume responsibility for own and team performance.
5.Recognize his/her role in promoting the mechanical engineering field and contribute to profession development and the community.
6.Identify and control the impact that mechanical engineering has on society from an environmental, economic, social, and cultural point of view and work to promote sustainability principles.
7.Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice and relate mechanical manufacturing methods and their characteristics to process industries.
8.Assume full responsibility for own learning and self-development, engage in lifelong learning and demonstrate the capacity to engage in post- graduate and research studies.
9.Communicate effectively using different modes, tools, and languages with various audiences to deal with academic/professional challenges in a critical and creative manner by using Microsoft team program.
10.Demonstrate leadership qualities, business administration and entrepreneurial skills.
location: R Building
Department staff